Radical Education Forum and Libertarian Education are co-organising a one-day conference, which will bring together teachers and education workers interested in radical education. We will meet, share ideas and discuss concrete alternatives to dominant trends towards increasingly right wing and authoritarian ideologies in education.
Who is the conference for?
The conference is open to teachers and other workers in formal state education, school students, parents, youth workers, activists and other educators and workers.
Details here: http://stateofeducation2014.wordpress.com/
Here is a set of slides for thinking about the overall purposes and ways of organising an action research project, with some questions to help think through the implications for your own research and action.
We have spent a number of weeks discussing different ways to focus the projects.
Here are copies of suggestions for developing your initial ideas into more focused problems or themes, and transforming these into actionable and researchable topics (with a brief presentation available here).
Click here to see the guide for the 2013-14 Master’s-level short course, ‘Action Research in Education’. To enroll on this course, please speak with Amanda Bristow (St. George’s Academy) or Sarah Amsler (University of Lincoln, samsler@lincoln.ac.uk). Classes begin in November 2013.